Hibs secure 3rd strip sponsorship deal.

Last updated : 01 December 2005 By Steve Forbes
Hibs today revealed they had secured another sponsorship deal for the club, becoming the 3rd this season.

Hibs main sponsor is Whyte & Mackay, but for the Uefa Cup games they had Carling across there tops, due to the strict Uefa rules regarding alcohol sponsorship across tops.

Today they secured a sponsorship deal for there SHORTS, becoming the first Scottish club to do so, after the SFA relaxed there rules about sponsorship.

The sponsor is T.Homewood FLOORING, whose owner is a diehard Hibby.

It was first thought they would have the sponsor across the seat of there shorts, like the do in
Spain, but the SFA didn't agree to it and therefore the sponsor will be down the side of the shorts.

More revenue for the club can only be a good thing.